Semester 5


        Course:-Introduction to DBMS
Characteristics of database approach, data models, DBMS architecture and data independence. 
 E-R Modelling: 
Entity types, Entity set, attribute and key, relationships, relation types, roles and structural constraints, weak entities, enhanced E-R and object modelling, Sub classes; Super classes, inheritance, specialization and generalization. 
  File Organization: 
Indexed sequential access files; implementation using B & B++ trees, hashing, hashing functions, collision resolution, extendible hashing, dynamic hashing approach implementation and performance.      UNIT-IV 
  Relational Data Model: 
Relational model concepts, relational constraints, relational algebra 
SQL queries, programming using SQL. 
  EER and ER to relational mapping: Data base design using EER to relational language. 
  Data Normalization: 
Functional Dependencies, Normal form up to 3 rd normal form. Concurrency Control: Transaction processing, locking techniques and associated, database recovery, security and authorization. Recovery Techniques, Database Security

        Course:-Java Programming and Dynamic Webpage Design
  Java Programming: 
Data types, control structured, arrays, strings, and vector, classes (inheritance, package, exception handling) multithreaded programming. 
Java applets, AWT controls (Button, Labels, Combo box, list and other Listeners, menu bar) layout manager, string handling (only main functions) 
Networking (datagram socket and TCP/IP based server socket) event handling, JDBC: Introduction, Drivers, Establishing Connection, Connection Pooling. 
HTML: use of commenting, headers, text styling, images, formatting text with , special characters, horizontal rules, line breaks, table, forms, image maps, tags, tags, file formats including image formats.    UNIT-V 
  Java Servlets: 
Introduction, HTTP Servlets Basics, The Servlets Lifecycle, Retrieving Information, Sending HTML Information, Session Tracking, Database Connectivity 
  Java Server Pages: 
Introducing Java Server Pages, JSP Overview, Setting Up the JSP Environment, Generating Dynamic Content, Using Custom Tag Libraries and the JSP Standard Tag Library, Processing Input and Output.

        Course:-Computer Networks
Basic Concepts: Components of data communication, distributed processing, standards and organizations. Line configuration, topology, Transmission mode, and categories of networks. 
OSI and TCP/IP Models: Layers and their functions, comparison of models. Digital Transmission: Interfaces and Modems: DTE-DCE Interface, Modems, Cable modems. 
Transmission Media: Guided and unguided, Attenuation, distortion, noise, throughput, propagation speed and time, wavelength, Shannon capacity, comparison of media 
Telephony: Multiplexing, error detection and correction: Many to one, One to many, WDM, TDM, FDM, Circuit switching, packet switching and message switching. Data link control protocols: Line discipline, flow control, error control, synchronous and asynchronous protocols, character and bit oriented protocols, Link access procedures. 
Point to point controls: Transmission states, PPP layers, LCP, Authentication, NCP. 
ISDN: Services, Historical outline, subscriber’s access, ISDN Layers and broadcast ISDN. 
Devices: Repeaters, bridges, gateways, routers, The Network Layer; Design issues, Routing algorithms, Congestion control Algorithms, Quality of service, Internetworking, Network-Layer in the internet.          UNIT-V 
Transport and upper layers in OSI Model: Transport layer functions, connection management, functions of session layers, presentation layer and application layer. 

        Course:-Numerical Methods 
Roots of Equations: Bisection Method, False Position Method, Newton’s Rapheson Method, Rate of convergence of Newton’s method. 
Interpolation and Extrapolation : Finite Differences, The operator E, Newton’s Forward and Backward Differences, Newton’s dividend differences formulae, Lagrange’s Interpolation formula for unequal Intervals, Gauss’s Interpolation formula, Sterling formula, Bessel’s formula, Laplace- Everett formula. 
Numerical Differentiation Numerical Integration : Introduction, direct methods, maxima and minima of a tabulated function, General Quadratic formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s One third rule, Simpson’s threeeight rule. 
Solution of Linear Equation: Gauss’s Elimination method and Gauss’s Siedel,s iterative method. UNIT-V Solution of Differential Equations: Euler’s method, Picard’s method, Fourth-order Runge – Kutta method. 

        Course:-Minor Project 
Evaluation will be based on Summer Training held after fourth semester and will be Conducted by the college committee only. Course Name L T P C BCA-S305 Minor Project 0 1 2 2 Evaluation will be based on Summer Training held after fourth semester and will be Conducted by the college committee only. 

        Course:-Viva-Voce on Summer Training 
The viva will be conducted based on summer training of four weeks after the end of fourth Semester and will be conducted by the college committee only. 

        Course:-Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of DBMS 
Practical will be based on Paper Data Base Management System on UNIT-IV covering the concept from UNIT-II to UNIT-VI of Syllabus 

        Course:-Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of Java
Programming and Dynamic Webpage Design Practical will be based on the Paper Java Programming & Website Design based on Whole Syllabus 

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