Semester 3


        Course:-Object Oriented Programming Using C++
Introducing Object – Oriented Approach, Relating to other paradigms {Functional, Data decomposition}. 
  Basic terms and ideas 
Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Review of C, Difference between C and C++ - cin, cout, new, delete, operators. 
  Classes and Objects 
Encapsulation, information hiding, abstract data types, Object & classes, attributes, methods, C++ class declaration, State identity and behaviour of an object, Constructors and destructors, instantiation of objects, Default parameter value, object types, C++ garbage collection, dynamic memory allocation, Metaclass / abstract classes. 
  Inheritance and Polymorphism 
Inheritance, Class hierarchy, derivation – public, private & protected, Aggregation, composition vs classification, hierarchies, Polymorphism, Categorization of polymorphism techniques, Method polymorphism, Polymorphism by parameter, Operator overloading, Parametric Polymorphism 
  Generic function 
Template function, function name overloading, overriding inheritance methods, Run time polymorphism, Multiple Inheritance. 
  Files and Exception Handling 
Streams and files, Namespaces, Exception handling, Generic Classes 

        Course:-Data Structure Using C & C++
  Introduction to Data Structure and its Characteristics 
Representation of single and multidimensional arrays; Sparse arrays – lower and upper triangular matrices and Tridiagonal matrices with Vector Representation also. 
  Stacks and Queues 
Introduction and primitive operations on stack; Stack application; Infix, postfix, prefix expressions; Evaluation of postfix expression; Conversion between prefix, infix and postfix, introduction and primitive operation on queues, D- queues and priority queues. 
Introduction to linked lists; Sequential and linked lists, operations such as traversal, insertion, deletion searching, two way lists and Use of headers 
Introduction and terminology; Traversal of binary trees; Recursive algorithms for tree operations such as traversal, insertion, deletion; Binary Search Tree 
Introduction, The invention of B-Tree; Statement of the problem; Indexing with binary search trees; a better approach to tree indexes; B-Trees; working up from the bottom; Example for creating a B-Tree      UNIT-VI 
Sorting Techniques; Insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, heap sort, searching Techniques: linear search, binary search and hashing

        Course:-Computer Architecture & Assembly Language 
Basic computer organization and design, Instructions and instruction codes, Timing and control/ instruction cycle, Register/ Types of register/ general purpose & special purpose registers/ index registers, Register transfer and micro operations/ register transfer instructions, Memory and memory function, Bus/ Data transfer instructions, Arithmetic logic micro-operations/ shift micro-operations, Input/ Output and interrupts, Memory reference instructions, Memory interfacing , Cache memory.          UNIT-II 
  Central Processing Unit 
General Register Organization/ stacks organizations, instruction formats, addressing modes, Data transfer and manipulation. Program control, reduced computer, pipeline/ RISC/ CISC pipeline vector processing/ array processing. 
Arithmetic Algorithms: Integer multiplication using shift and add, Booth’s algorithm, Integer division, Floating-point representations. 
  Computer Arithmetic 
Addition, subtraction and multiplication algorithms, divisor algorithms. Floating point, arithmetic operations, decimal arithmetic operations. 
  Input – Output Organization 
Peripheral devices, Input/output interface, ALU Asynchronous Data transfer, mode of transfer, priority interrupts, Direct memory Address (DMA), Input/ Output processor (IOP), serial communication.            UNIT-V 
  Evaluation of Microprocessor 
Overview of Intel 8085 to Intel Pentium processors, Basic microprocessors, architecture and interface, internal architecture, external architecture memory and input/ output interface. 
Assembly language, Assembler, Assembly level instructions, macro, use of macros in I/C instructions, program loops, programming arithmetic and logic subroutines, Input-Output programming.

        Course:-Business Economics
  The Scope and Method of Economics, the Economic Problem: Scarcity & Choice, The Price Mechanism, Demand & Supply Equilibrium: The Concept of Elasticity and it’s Applications. 
  The Production Process: output decisions – Revenues Costs and Profit Maximisation 
  Laws of returns & Returns to Scale: Economics and Diseconomies of scale. 
  Market Structure: 
Equilibrium of a firm and Price, Output Determination under Perfect Competition Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition & Oligopoly 
  Macro Economic Concerns 
Inflation, Unemployment, Trade-Cycles, Circular Flow up to Four Sector Economy, Government in the Macro Economy: Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Measuring national Income and Output 
The World Economy – WTO, Globalisation, MNC’s, Outsourcing, Foreign Capital in India, Trips, Groups of Twenty (G-20), Issues of dumping, Export-Import Policy 2004-2009 

        Course:-Elements of Statistics
  Population, Sample and Data Condensation 
Definition and scope of statistics, concept of population and simple with Illustration, Raw data, attributes and variables, classification, frequency distribution, Cumulative frequency distribution.              UNIT-II 
  Measures of Central Tendency 
Concept of central Tendency, requirements of good measures of central tendency, Arithmetic mean, Median, Mode, Harmonic Mean, Geometric mean for grouped and ungrouped data. 
  Measures of Dispersion: 
Concept of dispersion, Absolute and relative measure of dispersion, range variance, Standard deviation, Coefficient of variation. 
  Permutations and Combinations 
Permutations of ‘n’ dissimilar objects taken ‘r’ at a time (with or without repetitions). n P r = n!/(n-r) !(without proof). Combinations of ‘r’ objects taken from ‘n’ objects. n C r = n!/(r!(n-r)!) (Without proof) . Simple examples, Applications. 
  Sample space, Events and Probability 
Experiments and random experiments, Ideas of deterministic and non-deterministic experiments; Definition of sample space, discrete sample space, events; Types of events, Union and intersections of two or more events, mutually exclusive events, Complementary event, Exhaustive event; Simple examples. Classical definition of probability, Addition theorem of probability without Proof (up to three events are expected). Definition of conditional probability Definition of independence of two events, simple numerical problems. 
  Statistical Quality Control 
Introduction, control limits, specification limits, tolerance limits, process and product control; Control charts for X and R; Control charts for number of defective {n-p chart} ,control charts for number of defects {c - chart}

        Course:-Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of OOPS
Practical will be based on Paper Object Oriented Programming: Covers UNIT-II, UNIT-III, UNIT-IV, UNIT-V of Syllabus  

        Course:-Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of DS
Practical will be based on Paper Data Structure: Covers UNIT-III, UNIT-IV, UNIT-V, UNIT-VI of Syllabus

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