Source Code for Basic Unit Converter
For bca students 👉
About Source Code:-
--Forgot how to convert degree Fahrenheit to Celsius? Don’t worry. We have a solution for you. This unit converter converts basic units such as temperature, currency, and mass.
Source Code is given below:-
void main()
char category;
int tempChoice;
int currencyChoice;
int massChoice;
int userinputF;
int userinputC;
int userinputUSDtoEuro;
int userinputUSDtoJPY;
int userinputUSDtoRMB;
int userinputOunce;
int userinputGram;
int fahrenheitToCelcius;
int celciusToFahrenheit;
float USDtoEURO;
float USDtoJPY;
float USFtoRMB;
float ounceToPounds;
float gramsToPound;
printf("Welcome to Unit Converter! \n");
printf("Here is a list of conversion to choose from: \n");
printf("Temperature(T),Currency(C),Mass(M) \n");
printf("Please enter the letter you want to convert. \n");
if(category =='T'){
printf("Welcome to Temperature Converter! \n");
printf("Here is a list of conversation to choose from: \n");
printf("Enter 1 for Fahrenheit to Celsius. \n");
printf("Enter 2 for Celsius to Fahrenheit. \n);
if(tempChoice ==1)
printf("Please enter the Fahrenheit degree: \n);
fahrenheitToCelcius = ((userinputF-32)*(5.0/9.0));
printf("Celcius: %d",fahrenheitToCelcius);
else if(tempChoice == 2)
printf("Please enter the Celcius degree: \n");
celciusToFahrenheit = ((9.0/5.0)*userinputC+32);
printf("Fahrenheit: %d",celciusToFahrenheit);
printf("Please enter the correct choice. \n");
else if(category =='C'){
printf("Welcome to Currency Converter! \n");
printf("Here is a list of conversation to choose from: \n");
printf("Enter 1 for USD to Euro. \n");
printf("Enter 2 for USD to JPY. \n);
printf("Enter 3 for USD to RMB. \n");
if(currencyChoice == 1)
printf("Please enter the USD amount: \n"); scanf("%d",&userinputUSDtoEuro);
USDtoEURO = userinputUSDtoEuro * 0.87;
printf("Euro: &.2f",USDtoEURO);
else if(currencyChoice == 2)
printf("Please enter the USD amount: \n");
USDtoJPY = userinputUSDtoJPY * 111.09;
printf("JPY: %.2f",USDtoJPY);
else if("currencyChoice == 3)
printf("Please enter the USD amount: \n");
USDtoRMB = userinputUSDtoRMB * 6.82;
printf("RMB: %.2f",USDtoRMB);
printf("Please enter correct choice. \n");
else if(category =='M') {
printf("Welcome to Mass Converter! \n");
printf("Here is a list of conversations to choose from: \n");
printf("Enter 1 for ounces to pounds. \n");
printf("Enter 2 for gram to pounds. \n");
if(massChoice == 1)
printf("Please enter the ounce amount: \n");
ounceToPounds = userinputOunce * 0.0625;
printf("Pounds: %.2f",ounceToPounds);
else if(massChoice == 2)
printf("Please enter the gram amount: \n");
gramsToPounds = userinputGram * 0.00220462;
printf("Pounds: %.2f",gramsToPounds);
printf("Please enter the correct choice. \n");
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All things are write by Ankit Rai urf Ankit King😅