Semester 1



      Course:- Computer Fundamental & Office Automation

      Introduction to Computers 
Introduction, Characteristics of Computers, Block diagram of computer. Types of computers and features, Mini Computers, Micro Computers, Mainframe Computers, Super Computers. Types of Programming Languages (Machine Languages, Assembly Languages, High Level Languages). Data Organization, Drives, Files, Directories. Types of Memory (Primary And Secondary) RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM,.Secondary Storage Devices (FD, CD, HD, Pen drive) I/O Devices (Scanners, Plotters, LCD, Plasma Display), Number Systems: Introduction to Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal system -Conversion, Simple Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication. 
   Algorithm and Flowcharts 
Algorithm: Definition, Characteristics, Advantages and disadvantages, Examples Flowchart: Definition, Define symbols of flowchart, Advantages and disadvantages, Examples. 
  Operating System and Services in O.S. 
Dos – History, Files and Directories, Internal and External Commands, Batch Files, Types of O.S.            UNIT-IV 
  Windows Operating Environment 
Features of MS – Windows, Control Panel, Taskbar, Desktop, Windows Application, Icons, Windows Accessories, Notepad, Paintbrush. UNIT-V Editors and Word Processors Basic Concepts, Examples: MS-Word, Introduction to desktop publishing. 
  Spreadsheets and Database packages 
Purpose, usage, command, MS-Excel, Creation of files in MS-Access, Switching between applications, MS- Power Point.

     Course:-Programming Principle & Algorithm

  Introduction to ‘C’ Language 
History, Structures of ‘C’ Programming, Function as building blocks. Language Fundamentals Character set, C Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers, Variables, Constant, Data Types, Comments. 
Types of operators, Precedence and Associativity, Expression, Statement and types of statements 
  Built in Operators and functions 
Console based I/O and related built in I/O function: printf(), scanf(), getch(), getchar(), putchar(); Concept of header files, Preprocessor directives: #include, #define. 
  Control structures 
Decision making structures: If, If-else, Nested If-else, Switch; Loop Control structures: While, Do-while, for, Nested for loop; Other statements: break, continue, goto, exit. 
  Introduction to problem solving 
Concept: problem solving, Problem solving techniques (Trial & Error, Brain Storming, Divide & Conquer) Steps in problem solving (Define Problem, Analyze Problem, Explore Solution) Algorithms and Flowcharts (Definitions, Symbols), Characteristics of an algorithm ,Conditionals in pseudo-code, Loops in pseudo code Time complexity: Big-Oh notation, efficiency Simple Examples: Algorithms and flowcharts (Real Life Examples) 
  Simple Arithmetic Problems 
Addition / Multiplication of integers, Determining if a number is +ve / -ve / even / odd, Maximum of 2 numbers, 3 numbers, Sum of first n numbers, given n numbers, Integer division, Digit reversing, Table generation for n, a b , Factorial, sine series, cosine series, n C r , Pascal Triangle, Prime number, Factors of a number, Other problems such as Perfect number, GCD numbers etc (Write algorithms and draw flowchart), Swapping 
Basic types of function, Declaration and definition, Function call, Types of function, Parameter passing, Call by value, Call by reference, Scope of variable, Storage classes, Recursion. 

   Course:- Principles of Management

  Nature of Management: 
Meaning, Definition, nature & purpose, importance & Functions, Management as Art, Science & Profession-Management as social System Concepts of management-Administration-Organization, Management Skills, Levels of Management. 
  Evolution of Management Thought: 
Contribution of F.W.Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo, Chester Barhard & Peter Drucker to the management thought. Business Ethics & Social Responsibility: Concept, Shift to Ethics, Tools of Ethics. 
  Functions of Management: Part-I 
Planning – Meaning- Need & Importance, types, Process of Planning, Barriers to Effective Planning, levels – advantages & limitations. Forecasting- Need & Techniques Decision making-Types - Process of rational decision making & techniques of decision making, Organizing – Elements of organizing & processes: Types of organizations, Delegation of authority – Need, difficulties , Delegation – Decentralization 
Staffing – Meaning & Importance 
Direction – Nature – Principles 
Communication – Types & Importance 
  Functions of Management: Part-II 
Motivation – Importance – theories 
Leadership – Meaning –styles, qualities & function of leader 
Controlling - Need, Nature, importance, Process & Techniques, Total Quality Management Coordination – Need – Importance 
 UNIT – V  
Management of Change: Models for Change, Force for Change, Need for Change, Alternative Change Techniques, New Trends in Organization Change, Stress Management. 
  Strategic Management 
Definition, Classes of Decisions, Levels of Decision, Strategy, Role of different Strategist, Relevance of Strategic Management and its Benefits, Strategic Management in India.

  Course:-Business Communication

  Means of Communication: 
Meaning and Definition – Process – Functions – Objectives – Importance – Essentials of good communication – Communication barriers, 7C’s of Communication 
  Types of Communication: 
  Oral Communication: 
Meaning, nature and scope – Principle of effective oral communication – Techniques of effective speech – Media of oral communication (Face-to-face conversation – Teleconferences – Press Conference – Demonstration – Radio Recording – Dictaphone – Meetings – Rumour – Demonstration and Dramatisation – Public address system – Grapevine – Group Discussion – Oral report – Closed circuit TV). The art of listening – Principles of good listening. 
  Written Communication 
Purpose of writing, Clarity in Writing, Pricinciple of Effective writing, Writing Techniques, Electronic Writing Process. 
  Business Letters & Reports: 
Need and functions of business letters – Planning & layout of business letter – Kinds of business letters – Essentials of effective correspondence, Purpose, Kind and Objective of Reports, Writing Reports.          UNIT-V 
  Drafting of business letters: 
Enquiries and replies – Placing and fulfilling orders – Complaints and follow-up Sales letters – Circular letters Application for employment and resume 
  Information Technology for Communication: 
Word Processor – Telex – Facsimile(Fax) – E-mail – Voice mail –Internet – Multimedia – Teleconferencing – Mobile Phone Conversation – Video Conferencing –SMS – Telephone Answering Machine – Advantages and limitations of these types of communication. 
  Topics Prescribed for workshop/skill lab 
Group Discussion, Mock Interview, Decision Making in a Group 

  Course:- Mathematics -1

Definition, Minors, Cofactors, Properties of Determinants, MATRICES: Definition, Types of Matrices, Addition, Subtraction, Scalar Multiplication and Multiplication of Matrices, Adjoint, Inverse, Cramers Rule, Rank of Matrix Dependence of Vectors, Eigen Vectors of a Matrix, Caley-Hamilton Theorem (without proof). 
Limit at a Point, Properties of Limit, Computation of Limits of Various Types of Functions, Continuity at a Point, Continuity Over an Interval, Intermediate Value Theorem, Type of Discontinuities 
Derivative, Derivatives of Sum, Differences, Product & Quotients, Chain Rule, Derivatives of Composite Functions, Logarithmic Differentiation, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem, Expansion of Functions (Maclaurin’s & Taylor’s), Indeterminate Forms, L’ Hospitals Rule, Maxima & Minima, Curve Tracing, Successive Differentiation & Liebnitz Theorem. 
Integral as Limit of Sum, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus( without proof.), Indefinite Integrals, Methods of Integration: Substitution, By Parts, Partial Fractions, Reduction Formulae for Trigonometric Functions, Gamma and Beta Functions(definition). 
Definition of a vector in 2 and 3 Dimensions; Double and Triple Scalar and Vector Product and physical interpretation of area and volume.

  Course:-Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of Office Automation

Practical will be based on Paper Office Automation: Covers UNIT-III, UNIT-IV, UNIT-V, UNIT-VI of Syllabus 

 Course:-Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of Programming Principle & Algorithm

Practical will be based on Paper Programming Principles & Algorithms: Covers UNIT-III, UNITIV, UNIT-V, UNIT-VI of Syllabus. 

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